2013 - 2013
On April 10, 2013, my life was changed forever. My baby boy Angelo Lorenzo passed into our Lord's hands and out of mine. Only 2 ½ months old and he has taught me the most important lesson I have ever learned: to love every chance I get and not waste the precious moments we are given. Angelo spent his days smiling and cuddling with everyone who picked him up. It didn't matter who smiled his way, stranger or not, he always had one to return. He was a sweet baby, never fussy or crying, always happy. Even in a dirty diaper he'd smile. Doctors said he was the perfect baby. They loved using him to teach the residents because he was just so easy going and perfect. We will all be missing our "Angel Baby" who came to us for such a short minute, but that minute was the best one of my life. Thanks for teaching Mommy how to love so purely and to stop wasting my minutes. Time is precious....life is precious....It's the people who make it all precious. The Angels that come into our lives for just a few, to show us that we are not forgotten about by our Heavenly Father and no matter what we will always be precious. May your life always live on in our memories. May we never forget you precious smile and learn to love as you did Baby Angelo.
Love always,