Rex Heaton Rogers, beloved son, brother, uncle, and friend passed away on May 22, 2024 in St. George, Utah. Born on June 15, 1951, in Safford, Arizona, Rex lived a fulfilling life and career as an iron worker in California and Las Vegas, where his skills and dedication left a lasting impact on those around him.
Apart from his work life, Rex had a diverse range of interests that brought him joy. He found solace in photography, art, pottery, music, and cooking. His artistic pursuits reflected his vibrant personality and love for beauty in all forms.
The memory of Rex will be cherished by his surviving family members and friends - Ross (Debra) Rogers, Dwayne (Neli) Rogers, Dwight (Sarena) Rogers, Leona Rogers Rinehart, Richard Rogers - who will hold dear the moments shared with him.
Rex is preceded in death by his father Royce Waldo Rogers and mother Mavis Heaton; his sister Katherine Rogers Morrison and brother-in-law Larry Morrison. Together with them, Rex shared unforgettable experiences and created lasting bonds that will endure beyond his physical presence.
A memorial service to honor and celebrate the life of Rex Heaton Rogers will be held on August 3, 2024, at the Moccasin Arizona LDS Meetinghouse located at 82 Center Street, Moccasin, AZ 86022. The service will commence at 11:00 AM to reminisce about the beautiful journey of a remarkable individual.
In loving memory of Rex - a skilled craftsman, a compassionate soul, and a cherished companion - may he rest in peace knowing he touched the hearts of many with his kindness and talents.
May we find solace in the legacy he leaves behind and rejoice in the memories that will forever live on in our hearts.